Public Transit
This sub-committee works to address Public Transportation issues within Dogpatch, including route/ service changes with Muni Bus, Rail Service, and CalTrains service delays, maintenance and long-term service planning.
We also works directly with the SF Muni Woods Yard and MUNI Metro East Maintenance Facilities regarding issues related to their operations and maintenance.
If you have questions or would like to get more involved please contact the DNA and Potrero Boosters Livable Streets sub-committee
Muni Route Changes and additions
SF Muni recently rerouted the 22 Bus and added the 55 Bus - Dogpatch and 15 Bayview Hunters Point Express Bus.
Dogpatch is currently serviced by a number Muni bus routes, Muni light rail and CalTrain rail service:
15 Bayview Hunters Point Express
22 Fillmore
48 Quintara/24th Street
55 Dogpatch
T Third Street