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Community Resources

City Hall

Get to Know your Civic Representatives

1 Dr. Goodlett Place, Room 200, San Francisco, CA 94102
Mayor London Breed
ph 554-6141; fax 554-6160
Supervisor Shamann Walton
ph 554-7670; fax 554-7674


Natalie Gee, Chief of Staff/Scheduling


Percy Burch, Legislative Aide

covering Potrero


Lindsey Lopez-Weaver, Legislative Aide covering Dogpatch

San Francisco Police Department

Quick Links for SFPD Service

SFPD Website:
Non-Emergency Number: 

(415) 553-0123
Emergency Number: 911

Bayview Police Station:
201 Williams St, San Francisco, CA 94124
Station Ph: 415-671-2300

Tip Line: (415) 822-8147

Capt. Michael Koniaris
ph 671-2300; fax 671-2345


Police Car

Community Police Advisory Board

SFPD hosts the city's Community Police Advisory Boards (CPAB's), composed of community volunteers who live and/or work in a specific geographical police district. A CPAB member’s role is to advise the district station Captain about public safety, crime and quality of life issues that affect their community. CPAB members play a vital role in communication and problem-solving efforts undertaken by district stations. CPABs meet on a monthly basis with station Captains.

Contact SFPD ADA Coordinator Penny Si at least 72 hours before the meeting date via email [] or telephone [415.837.7221] or TTY 1-415-575-5827 to discuss your accessibility needs.

SF Homeless Resources

Our community regularly asks how they can help and who they should call when they are concerned about a person experiencing homelessness or an encampment in the neighborhood.  


For DANGEROUS AND EMERGENCY Response call 911 


If you are concerned about the wellbeing of an unhoused neighbor AND THERE IS NO DANGER TO YOU OR THEM, call 911 AND ask for the STREET CRISIS INTERVENTION RESOURCE TEAM (SCIRT) and be ready to give a specific address of the person on the street, or cross street, have a clear description of the person in detail--gender (if known), approx. age, build, ethnicity, clothing, hair color, hair style. AND their behavior that is alarming and concerning.

If you can, wait on site for SCIRT to arrive.


To report individuals or encampments blocking sidewalks (less than 6-ft clearance) call the Police Non-Emergency Line: (415) 553-0123.


For garbage, debris and human or animal waste Call 3-1-1 / use the app.


For Syringes: text the San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF) Pick-up Crew at 415-810-1337, 7 days a week from 7am-7pm or use 311.​


Download 311 App

Easy and Effective (usually)

The SF311 Mobile app lets you submit a number of service requests quickly wherever you happen to be in San Francisco including the following:

  • General

    • Blocked Pedestrian Walkway

    • Encampment

    • Noise Issue

    • Park Requests

    • Tree Maintenance

  • Cleaner Streets

    • Garbage Containers

    • Graffiti

    • Illegal Postings

    • Street or Sidewalk Cleaning

  • Parking & Transportation

    • Abandoned Vehicles

    • Blocked Driveway & Illegal Parking

    • Muni Employee Feedback

    • Muni Service Feedback

  • Repair

    • Curb & Sidewalk Issues

    • Damaged Public Property

    • Flooding, Sewer & Water Leak Issues

    • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    • Pothole & Street Issues

    • Streetlight Repair

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Potrero Boosters

Our partner neighborhood association up the Hill

1459 18th St. PMB #133
San Francisco, CA 94107



T: 415 574 0775


Mission: To inform, empower and represent the residents of the Potrero on issues impacting our community, in order to develop and maintain complete, vibrant neighborhoods.


Your Green Benefits

How to use the Chronic Issue Report System

The Dogpatch Green Benefit District is funded by property-owner assessments to pay for community services and improvements, such as sidewalk cleaning, graffiti abatement and gardening.


Notice a condition that needs attention? Send GBD a message and the community-elected board and our GBD - staff will attend to the issue.


Read about current projects from the latest GBD presentation to the DNA from May 10.

Free Bulk Item Pick Up

Skip the Dump! Ring Recology

Every resident in Dogpatch gets at least one free large item pick-up per year.


Click here to schedule a haul with Recology.

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Potrero Dogpatch Merchants Association

PDMA promotes and advocates for independent, locally owned businesses while actively supporting both neighborhoods and communities.


1459 18th Street #105

San Francisco, CA 94107



SF Film Commission

For question and concerns about filming in Dogpatch

ph 415-554-6241
Film Commission Web site:

1278 Minnesota Street, San Francisco CA 94107

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©2024 by Dogpatch Neighborhood Association.

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