Thursday, November 18, from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Updated 11/24/2021
Presentation slides from the community update meeting are available here
The San Francisco Recreation & Park Department is hosting an online update for community members on the Esprit Park Renovation Project.
This update will include a presentation from staff on the following items:
Progress on the park design and construction documents since a concept design was approved for the project in February 2021
Project schedule and budget
Next Steps
The update will also be a chance for community members to ask questions of the Project Manager and design team. If you have any questions ahead of time, please feel free to send them to will also be an opportunity to ask directly during the meeting.
The meeting will be held online via Zoom.
Here is the information on how to join the meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 9938 2376
Passcode: 041209
Dial in: 669.900.6833
For more information visit the project page of the Rec and Park website