PASSWORD: comment
1 (415) 655-0001 / Meeting ID 2487 933 6629#
#(Press *3 to enter the speaker line)
March 5, 2022 - 10:00 AM
Why is Redistricting Important?
As our population shifts and grows, the City is legally required to redraw supervisory district lines every ten years to ensure equal and equitable representation for all San Francisco residents. Redistricting directly impacts communities' access and ability to voice their goals, ideals, and objectives to their government officials through elections and policies. This process helps ensure that communities of interest are kept intact with meaningful representation.
It is critical that the redistricting Task Force hear directly from us about in what district we belong and with whom we align. Attend the meeting and give your input on how district lines should be updated--otherwise we could be split into parts, away from our community, schools and shared history of being part of The Potrero.
Before giving public comment, learn how to effectively describe your community of interest at https://www.commoncause.org/california/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2021/04/Template-for-Community-of-Interest-Testimony-1.pdf
It's a good idea to give public comment both during the meeting and in writing, especially if you are providing details like street names, or if you can submit a map showing your community's boundaries.
Agenda for March 4 meeting:
Watch and give public comment online Password: comment
When agenda item 3 comes up in the meeting discussion, use the "raise hand" feature to be added to the list to give your public comment
Or listen and give public comment by phone: 415-655-0001 Meeting 2489 761 0485 # #
When agenda item 3 comes up in the meeting discussion, press # twice, and *3 to be added to the list to give your public comment
You can also submit public comment in writing by emailing rdtf@sfgov.org.
Join the upcoming San Francisco Redistricting Task Force Meetings to hear updates and provide feedback on where district lines should be drawn. Friday's meeting will focus specifically on communities of interest in and around what is currently District 10. District 10’s boundaries, neighborhoods, and communities of interest.