7:00 - 7:20 Welcome, Announcements, Community Calendar
DNA Board Nominations–now open; Up for reelection: Joel Bean as Treasurer, Emily Wang M-A-L, An Van de Moortel M-A-L
Sun. Oct 9 12 - 2pm DNA Community Clean: Sun, Oct. 9 Noon-2pm @ Woods Yard
Sat. Oct 15 11 - 4pm Potrero Hill Festival benefiting the NABE
Sun. Oct 16 1 - 4pm Dogpatch Music Series @ Woods Yard Park https://www.greenbenefit.org/dogpatch-music-series-2022
Sat. Oct 22nd Noon - 1:30 Community Clean (Trash and Chalk) Minne & 19th St.
Sat. Oct 29 4 - 6pm (dusk) Spooky Stroll MinneSLOWta
Sat. Nov 5 Potrero History Night Program: 7:00–9:00pm, St. Teresa of Avila Church was originally at Tennessee and 19th in Dogpatch, then moved to 1490 19th Street.
7:20 - 7:40 San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) Plan - Aliza Paz
SFCTA county agency that plans, funds, and delivers projects - there is a half cent sales tax that SFCTA oversees and funds projects with it
Plan establishes investment priorities through 2050 (30 year plan)
Covers all the ways of getting around and all the agencies involved
Planned Investments
Safer streets
Smoother streets
Updating signals
Reliable transit and paratransit
Better accessibility
Plan adoption is scheduled for winter 2022
7:40 - 8:00 - Street Safety & Vision Zero Brian Haagsman, Advocacy and Policy Director for WalkSF
Voting:Emma Shlaes made a motion; Gretchen Ehrenkaufer seconded
11 in favor / None opposed
Motion passes for the DNA to join the VZ Coalition
DNA community meetings are held monthly on second Tuesdays at 7PM.
Recordings from previous meetings can be found here